Tameca N. Harris Jackson

Tameca has over 20 years as an educator, trainer, consultant, and mental health therapist. Shebegan her career leading therapeutic groups and offering consultancy servicesto non-profit organizations and boards. Her professionalism, organizationalacumen, and inclusive stance allowed her to progress through various rolesearly on – later becoming a subject matter expert (SME), consultant, andprogram analyst for-profit agencies.

Presently, Tameca provides education, training, and therapy. As aneducator, she has developed, taught, and consulted on diversity, culturalhumility, sexuality, and research courses. She has also developed and ledseveral international study abroad courses, emphasizing her commitment toglobal perspectives. She has also been a member of several educationalcommittees focused on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts inboth education and international studies.

As a trainer, Tameca conducts workshops addressing DEI in education,therapy, and work environments. Her emphasis lies in fostering culturalhumility and creating inclusive supervisory experiences that affirm individualsfrom all backgrounds. Tameca currently owns a private practice in Orlando,Florida, offering a comprehensive array of services, including groupfacilitation and supervision for a diverse cohort of clinicians and mentorshipfor practice owners, guiding them in operating practices within a DEI frameworkand incorporating self-care practices for historically marginalized andoppressed clients and providers. Beyond clinical practice, Tameca has been amember of national boards and councils, providing insights into DEI operationsand service delivery. 

Tameca also has several articlepublications related to diversity.

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