Suky Bains

Suky is an accomplished EDEI consultant, mediator and coach with decades of experience

Suky Bains - EDEI Consultant

Suky is an experienced facilitator, trainer, coach, mediator, and conflict resolution professional. She has been in the ‘business of listening’ to people for nearly thirty years.

As a Consultant in EDEI (Equality, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and Conflict Resolution and Mediation, Suky successfully works with individuals, teams, and whole organisations to grow their understanding of Race, Inclusion, Conscious and Unconscious Bias, alongside developing their individual and institutional responsibilities for change. She is trained in Systems Psycho Dynamic Coaching with the Tavistock Institute and is a Hogan Certified Professional.

Suky enjoys working with people from all sectors and contexts to develop leadership, professional, personal, and organisational potential in a collaborative and thought-provoking way. She brings a wealth of experience into the space which enables her to offer robust challenge, critical analysis, observation and understanding psychologically safely. She works intelligently, sensitively, creatively and with imagination, whilst always keeping an eye on your overall aims.

In terms of impact, her process is characterised by consultation, learning, experimentation, dialogue, developing and testing hypotheses, taking risks, learning to use emotions productively, and sharing knowledge. Her style is dynamic, engaging and fun. She has a strong track record of working with underperforming teams and/or teams in conflict within many contexts, and she develops long and trusting relationships with the institutions she engages with.

Training expertise includes Inclusive Leadership, Leading Diverse Teams, Communication and Conflict, Conscious and Unconscious Bias, Dignity at Work, Bullying and Harassment, Anti-Racism and Courageous Advocacy, Mediation and Conflict Resolution.

Suky combines her knowledge of Anti Racism, Conflict Resolution, Conscious and Unconscious Bias and Coaching to good effect within teams and individuals in conflict. She has a long track record of mediating and coaching those in Senior Leadership positions.

Recent clients include:

Higher Education: University of Oxford, King's College London, UCL, University of the Arts

Arts, Media and Publishing: Hachette, Sage Publishing, Orion, Children’s Publishing, the BBC, Fremantle Media Group, Channel 4, Avalon, Euston Films, The Globe, ROH, Barbican, Saddler's Wells, Natural History Museum, Tate

Other: Houses of Parliament, Advance HE, Royal Society, various NHS trusts, Amnesty International, Save the Children, Plan International, NatWest, HSBC, Fleishman Hilliard, Hope & Glory.

We will support you in reaching your Equality, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goals.

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