Aubrey Maasdorp

EDEI trainer Aubrey Maasdorp has 25+ years' experience in public, private and voluntary sectors.

Aubrey Maasdorp - EDEI Consultant

Aubrey has worked as a trainer and facilitator in equality, diversity, equity and inclusion (EDEI) and related areas for over 25 years.
He has designed, developed and delivered numerous EDEI courses as well as management development, including Conscious Inclusion, Unconscious Bias, LGBT+ Inclusion, Gender, Race, Inclusive Leadership and Inclusive Recruitment). He has worked across the public sector, voluntary sector and for private companies.  

Aubrey worked as a consultant and trainer for Challenge Consultancy for over 20 years. Prior to that, he worked in Sexual Health and HIV. He then moved to management development and worked as the Senior Training Officer in the Chief Executive’s Department at the London Borough of Camden. Prior to working as an independent consultant, Aubrey worked as acting Head of Corporate Learning and Development for the London Borough of Camden. 

Aubrey is also an experienced trainer and facilitator in Dementia Care and works with Arts 4 Dementia to support artists in delivering workshops for people in the early stages of dementia.

As well as delivering training in the UK, Aubrey has worked globally (including Thailand, Ireland, South Africa, India, the Netherlands and Uganda).

We will support you in reaching your Equality, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goals.

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