Staff Training

Cultural competency training from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Cultural Competency

Our Cultural Competency training enables you to recognise when we make assumptions due to our culture and the impact of those assumptions in everyday work interactions and service delivery.
The training will include the following:
  • Recognising our culture and the assumptions we make
  • How to recognise and appreciate the differences between cultural groups
  • How bias might affect intercultural communication and understanding
  • Recognising and challenging microaggressions, including assumptions
  • Adapting our communication to meet differing needs
  • Considering religious and other belief systems
  • The significance of traditions and customs

We will create a safe space for sensitive discussions and explore the issues through case studies relevant to your context.
If wanted, the course can include a more focused exploration of different religion and belief systems.

Customer service training from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Customer Service

In this course, you will learn the necessary skills to provide excellent customer service to a diverse range of customers.
The session can include topics such as:
  • How to communicate effectively with customers and build rapport
    life experiences
  • Active listening and understanding of different life experiences
  • Cultural awareness and differing communication styles
  • Conflict resolution and problem-solving
  • Practical tools for real-life scenarios.

We will develop case studies that reflect the experiences of your staff and will role-play scenarios with participants or actors (optional) to develop communication and problem-solving skills further.
These essential skills will enable you to provide a more inclusive service, foster positive customer relationships and create a welcoming environment.

Course for Dignity at work from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Dignity at Work

This course is available as 'in-person' training, in our eLearning and as a mixture of the two (recommended). The courses enable you to recognise appropriate behaviours at work as well as behaviours that undermine dignity at work and explore ways to create an inclusive working culture.
Using your organisation’s policies and bespoke case studies, we will explore strategies for creating a respectful workplace culture including effective communication and challenging macro and micro aggressions.
We will cover the following:
  • The environment you want at work
  • Key definitions – including bullying and harassment and microaggressions
  • The legal framework and your organisation’s policy
  • Dealing with inappropriate language and behaviour
  • Power, privilege and their relationship to dignity
  • Effective challenging and supporting others
  • Receiving feedback and self-reflection

At the end of the course, participants will have a deeper understanding of dignity at work and will be equipped with practical tools to recognise, address and prevent future problematic behaviours.

An introduction course for Equality, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Equality, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: An Introduction

The course enables participants to develop an understanding of equality, diversity, equity and inclusion (EDEI) issues, the legal requirements and how to work collaboratively to develop an inclusive workplace.
The session includes:
  • Key definitions
  • Language and behaviour
  • The Equality Act 2010 law and your organisation’s policy
  • The benefits of an inclusive environment
  • Respect and adapting to other people’s needs
  • Case studies with informal role play
  • Embedding good practice in your day-to-day work

We use short scenarios throughout the session, as well as quizzes and discussions, to encourage engagement and learning. The course can also be delivered as an induction session for new staff.

Course for Inclusive Working  from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Inclusive Working

This course extends your knowledge and understanding of diversity and inclusion by providing the information and skills necessary to create inclusive and welcoming workplaces. You will learn the core principles of how to recognise and address inequality, what behaviour is needed to create a culture of respect and be able to discuss difference as an asset in the workplace.
The course includes:
  • An overview of the Equality Act 2010
  • The impact of conscious and unconscious biases
  • The impact of inappropriate language and behaviours and being an active bystander
  • The foundations of cultural competency
  • How to take action and influence behaviour change, including allyship

Using interactive bespoke case studies, audio and interactive quizzes, you will have a foundation in the skills and knowledge needed to role model inclusive behaviour that encourages dignity in the workplace.

Course on practical impact of equality law  from Resolve Evolve LTD.

The Practical Impact of Equality Law

Our case law-based session explores some recent and established equality cases which have an impact on our workplaces.
This course can include cases involving:
  • The Equality Act 2010
  • The Human Rights Act 1998
  • The Public Sector Equality Duty (if appropriate)

The areas most relevant to your context will be discussed, and the course designed accordingly. Attendees can learn about the responsibilities of employers and service providers through the session, as well as the rights of employees.

Resolve Evolve’s Equality Law session includes UK-relevant legislation; other regions may be available on request.

A session for Unconscious bias  from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Unconscious Bias / Proactive Inclusion

Our unconscious bias and proactive inclusion session give participants an opportunity to explore how their implicit biases and associations may impact their perceptions, behaviour, decision-making and interactions with others.
The session includes:
  • An explanation of the neuroscience behind our implicit associations
  • An examination of the bi-directional relationship between our unconscious biases and our environment
  • Real-life examples of how unconscious bias can manifest in the workplace
  • An exploration of the cumulative impact of micro-messages caused by implicit associations
  • Proactive inclusion as a strategy to counter the self-perpetuating bias cycle 

Using videos, interactive quizzes and scenarios, participants will get to know methods to help them recognise and address their own unconscious biases, as well as strategies for mitigating the impact of bias in organisational decision-making processes.
The session contains an action planning section focused on building a proactive and intentional approach to creating a fair, diverse and inclusive workplace.

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